Michael Schratt (Part 2) | Code Blue

Michael Schratt | Code Blue

Los Angeles, January 2010

This is the second part of the interview with Michael Schratt. I apologize for the long delay in getting this out there. I brought on board a new editor to help give this a more professional look, Ben Northenor. I think you will notice the difference!

This interview is a great overview of the UFO, above top secret, black aircraft being developed by our secret government for use in a variety of scenarios. Not the least of which is potentially Project Blue Beam. As an in depth researcher, a self-labeled aerospace historian and someone who has secret sources within the aerospace industry, Michael is a dynamite guy to have on ones team.

Note: If you enjoy this interview please consider making a donation.

Special thanks to Ben Northenor for donating his time and editing skills to Project Camelot. And to Michael Schratt for supplying the stills.

Kerry Lynn Cassidy
Project Camelot
January 2011
Los Angeles, CA


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