Traffic and demographics
Project Camelot Portal has over 1.5 million visitors per month. When we have new releases that can increase to around 2.5 million visitors per month.
All advertising on the Home Page is located on the right hand side of the web pages (on under “From our Sponsors”. All other pages have ads placed below the articles.
Note: Camelot Newsletter ads are also available… price per send to our 17,000 subscriber base is $125 per Newletter for 180×180 banner or special pricing for large ads with text. Contact:
Banner Ad 1 = $340 (new discounted price) $300 / month (180 X 180 pixel square banner)
Banner Ad 2 = $200 / month (180 X 80 pixel square banner)
Text Ad = $150 / month (61 characters, one line, Arial Font size 12)
Newsletter Ad = $125 / newsletter sent (180 X 180 pixel square banner)
Special Offers
Buy a banner ad for 3 months, paying for 3 months in advance, and receive one Text ad for 3 months.
180 x 180 pixels
POSITION: Right hand side of the page
$300 / month (new discounted price)
One line 61 characters Arial Font size 12
POSITION: Bottom of the newsletter
$150 / month
Terms and conditions
Preferred payment by Paypal, to:
Monthly payments should be submitted 3 days prior to the beginning of each ad period by check made payable to:
Project Camelot
638 Lindero Canyon Road, Suite 277
Oak Park, CA 91377
Please contact us with any questions:
Email: with “ADVERTISING” in Caps in the subject line or “AD QUESTION” in Caps in the subject line.
Thank you for supporting Project Camelot.
Please send your ad along with payment:
For Banners:
- Your ad must be 180 X 180 pixels
- File formats: jpg, png, gif
- Links (we need the anchor link that you want the ad to point to)
- How many months the space is paid for – please indicate the date of your paypal payment.
For Text Links:
- Your ad must be no more than 61 characters in length, Arial font size 12
- Links (we need the url link that you want the ad to point to as well as a title for the
- How many months the space is paid for – please indicate the date of your paypal payment.
Project Camelot will only accept ads from companies and services in alignment with our goals and commitment to create a better world. This includes products that are earth friendly and not harmful to health or well being of plants, animals and humans. We appreciate your support and thank you for all you do.
This site may contain second and third party advertisements and links to these sites. Project Camelot does not make any representation as to the accuracy or suitability of any of the information contained in those advertisements or sites and does not accept any responsibility or liability for the conduct or content of those advertisements and sites and the offerings made by the parties involved. Advertisements and links to other sites where goods or services are advertised are not endorsements or recommendations by Project Camelot of the third party sites, goods or services. Your access to or use of them is at your own risk.
Project Camelot further reserves the right to refuse or cancel any advertising which does not meet the approval of the guidelines endorsed by the Project Camelot Website criteria.